Continuous mixer

Continuous mixer

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How the Continuous mixer works

Continuous mixer continuously inputs different materials into the equipment according to the set ratio. The residence time of the material in the vessel is controlled by adjusting the speed of conveying equipment, rotational speed of the mixer and discharge speed. There are four kinds of stirring parts: plough type, ribbon type, paddle type and double-shaft paddle type. The materials that are easy to agglomerate can also increase chopper. According to the different characteristics of the material, stirring parts are selected. The equipment is continuous in and out of materials and large output.


Continuous mixer is a continuous mixing process that can feed and discharge at the same time. It can be matched with large-scale production lines, and can ensure the consistency and stability of output materials and products while mixing evenly. Equipment with different output can be configured to meet the output of the overall production line. Continuous mixer is especially suitable for ore powder, sludge treatment and other industries with high output requirements.

continuous mixer